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What students say?

Thousands of students are already studying in Pccg Bible College, it’s time for you to get enrolled to increase your spiritual power. 

Pastor Alfred Akinyetun
I have shared my salvation testimony at church and small groups before, but I have never shared my testimony online before, PCCG Bible College helped me to grow more in spirit

Pastor Alfred Akinyetun

Evangelist Torhukerhijo owei
When I was 15 years old I had an encounter with Jesus. In the middle of the night, He came into my room and talked to me. I believe I was in a trance but not sure and pccg bible college build my spirit and understand the voice of the lord.

Evangelist Torhukerhijo owei

Waterside Ondo State
Lady Evang. Modupe Olusegun
He showed me His love and kindness in that encounter. I knew nothing about God or the Bible when it happened. But Pccg bible college taught me many things about God.

Lady Evang. Modupe Olusegun

PCCG Bible College is established by divine ordinance to enlighten Christians in the word of God in this contemporary world. I became a new person entirely and increase in knowledge of His truth.

Pastor Frank


    We work hard to prepare Pastors & Evangelists for their spiritual lives and Ministries

    Pccg Bible College is a team of premiere professors, Pastors, and Evangelists who have come together to provide high-quality biblical teaching for Ministers and Christians worldwide anytime, any day and anywhere.